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Before you go, you decide to make sure that nothing was left unsaid, and ask Vermillion Sear whether speaking to a soul trapped inside of a dream would be any easier. After all, you can do anything in a dream!
Vermillion Sear: "It would not. The realm of dreams is a place like any other, found within a reflection of the firmament; yet it is an ethereal plane where only light and darkness may exist.
All physical things in a dream are but mere illusions of themselves, given perceptible form by your own mind. Given lucidity, one could, as you say, do anything in this imaginary world.
But souls — and the reflections of dreaming souls — are ethereal by nature. They are no different in a dream than they are in the waking world, or anywhere else."
Honourshine: "But wait... If everything is an illusion, then what about that barrier you told me about? Not even Princess Luna could do anything about it."
You nod, and after describing the dream prison's red door to the monk, you ask him if he's ever heard of such a thing. For the first time, he takes a moment to contemplate your question.
Vermillion Sear: "What you speak of is forbidden magic. You will not find the answers you seek among the Kirin."
Feeling that you shouldn't inquire any further, you respectfully thank Vermillion Sear for sharing his time and knowledge with you. As you do, you hear an urgent whisper in your ear.
Tsu-Ko: "Bow! Bow‼ Lower!"
You and your friends bow your heads nearly into the ground until the monk returns a polite, short bow of his own. Then, while he retreats into the temple, you begin to follow his directions northward to the inn.
Tsu-Ko: "Well, that could've gone worse."
Moonflower: "Yuh uh! Ya think he knew somethin' about the door he didn't wanna tell us?"
Honourshine: "Hm... no, I think his choice of words was deliberate."
Moonflower: "... Ohhh...!"
As you walk along the paved stone street and around a massive portal to a distant nightscape, the hot and humid climate begins to weigh heavy on your back. You feel the unmoving midday sun beating down on all that its light touches, dampened only by the rare passing cloud.
You do your best to stick to the shade until you finally reach the inn — thanks to your sprite companion's ability to read the signs out loud for you. Once inside, you breathe in the refreshing cool air, and glance over to the undressing area, but decide to first approach the innkeeper nearby as she welcomes you in.
Innkeeper: "Good morning!"
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(If I had to speculate why the etiquette exists: maybe wearing your clothes in another's home means you're being cold/unfamiliar/hiding something, or an invader/pillager.)