You greet the innkeeper while keeping an eye on your sprite companion, just in case. After introducing yourselves as a party of adventurers to her, you politely ask if she has a moment to spare.

Innkeeper: "Of course. Are you looking for a room to stay the night?"

You tell the Kirin that you are actually looking for another foreigner just like you — a bard whose company have left without —, and were wondering if he had come this way.

Innkeeper: "Well, my inn sees quite a few creatures from overseas, though none too recently. Can you describe this bard to me? I never forget a face."

Trying to recall pictures you might have seen of the pop star, you give the best description of him that you can: a male pegasus with a greyish brown coat and medium blonde hair with a matching short beard.

Innkeeper: "Ahh... that does sound familiar. If I remember correctly, a winged stallion stayed overnight about two weeks ago. He didn't speak much Kirinese, but I believe he was looking for work. Could that have been him?"

You nod, and ask if she knows where he went afterward.

Innkeeper: "I don't recall him mentioning that he was a bard. I pointed him toward Farmlands Bathing in Sun and Rain; helping hooves are always welcome in the fields, and it's mostly wordless work. He hasn't returned since, so maybe he found purpose there?"

You think you remember hearing about the place before — Taihon-Nonchan, the agricultural town found beyond the large portal.

Innkeeper: "Mh, though it should be the middle of the night in the northern plains right now. Unless I'm mistaken, you won't find any farmhooves to talk to before morning — which isn't until another eight hours or so."

Moonflower: "Wait, how's it nighttime over there when it's day here?"

Innkeeper: "Oh, that's because the farmlands really are far away: halfway across the island, about a month's travel on hoof from here."

Moonflower: "Whoa! It's so far away it's got a different sky?"

Innkeeper: "Well, it's the same sky — only from a different angle."

Moonflower: "Ohhh... got'cha."

Innkeeper: "In the meantime, can I offer you anything? If you are recent arrivals yourselves, you may be interested in a warm bath or a hot meal."