Sidereal Bag (62.55 / 64)
"Of Dogs and Diamonds"A reference guide to the Equestrian diamond dog.
"Spellcasting 101"A beginner's guide to arcane spellcasting.
5 AntidotesMedicine that cures poison.
Antimagic Toggle BraceletA bracelet with a mechanism that can be toggled to create an antimagic field.
Antique Pocket Watch [12:00]A hundred-years-old timepiece originally worn by weather ponies.
2 BedrollsA traveller's bed.
5 Blank ScrollsA blank scroll.
Blue Choker of Aquatic RespirationA cloth necklace. Casts Aquatic Respiration on wearer.
Brass Horseshoe [1]STR. A horseshoe specialized for hoof-to-hoof combat.
3 Brass Horseshoes [Pink Sapphire]STR. A horseshoe specialized for hoof-to-hoof combat. Casts Crystal Ward on self.
BrushA tool for brushing hair.
CompassA device that always points northward.
Decorative Masking Tape RollA roll of adhesive paper tape with colourful patterns.
2 Draughts of InvisibilityApplies Invisibility for next turn.
4 Elixirs of Night VisionApplies Night Vision until next rest.
2 Eye DropsMedicine that cures blindness.
Filtering BottleAn empty bottle that filters its content to become potable.
First Aid KitContains supplies to treat injuries and illnesses. Requires 2 turns to use.
Glow StickA flexible magic tube that glows when shaken.
221 Gold BitsCommon earth pony currency in Equestria.
GrapnelA multiple hook attached to a rope.
4 Health PotionsMedicine that restores health, but causes hunger.
HighlighterA broad felt-tipped pen with a fluorescent ink chamber.
Lens of HonestyA magic lens that allows the user to see through illusions.
MacheteDEX. A broad-bladed knife for cutting through vegetation.
4 Magic BandagesAn enchanted strip of cloth used to heal injuries quickly. Casts Heal on wearer.
3 Magic PotionsMedicine that restores magic, but causes fatigue.
MarkerA broad felt-tipped pen with an ink chamber.
Medium TentA tent that sleeps up to four ponies.
2 Mirror Shin GuardsPadded armour that protects the front of the leg. Deflects magic spells.
Old LanternAn old lantern.
Pocket Stardial [6 October]A magical datekeeping device.
Pot of Black InkA glass pot of black ink.
Pot of Lantern OilA glass pot of lantern oil.
Pot of Magic InkA glass pot of ink that is only visible to the writer.
2 Quill PensA writing instrument made from a feather.
3 RationsA convenient pack containing a day's worth of various foodstuffs.
2 RemediesMedicine that cures diseases.
Ring of CloneAn ornate ring. Casts Clone on wearer.
Rune of HomecomingA runestone with the inscription "Homecoming".
Scroll of IdentificationIdentifies an item's magic properties.
37 Surveyor's TapesUsed to create flags when blazing a new trail route.
Tempered Simple BreastplateImproved armour designed to protect against attacks to the breast. CON +1, INT -1.
2 Tinctures of OverstrengthDoubles STR and energy cost of actions until next rest.
2 Tonics of AdhesionApplies Adhesion for 1 hour.
4 Tonics of BioluminescenceApplies Bioluminescence for 1 hour.
ToothbrushAn instrument for cleaning teeth, gums, and tongue.
Trailblazer's JournalThe quest journal of a handsome adventurer.
Trailblazer's SealwhistleAn Equestrian Voyagers Agency sealwhistle customized for Trailblazer.
Voyage: Elven ResearchA commission from Honourshine to find any information about Elves.
Voyage: The Absent StarA commission from the Manehattan Music Management to find and bring Dirt Flaxen back from the Kirin Empire.
Wind CallerA unique metallic horn. Casts Pegasus Breath.
500 ZenCommon currency in the Kirin Empire.