Arcane InsightINT. Racial. Passive. Can learn unicorn spells.
CamouflageINT. Creates a concealing area around the caster.
Cutie MarkSPE. Passive. Adds +5 to all exploration rolls.
Dispel StrikeSTR. Unarmed attack. Deals damage to target magic entity.
Earthen HeartCON. Racial. Passive. Doubles maximum energy.
Empyrean TouchSTR. Racial. Passive. Allows to interact with clouds.
FlightDEX. Racial. Passive. Can use wings to fly.
Light Polearm Mastery 1DEX. Passive. DEX +1 when attacking with a light polearm.
Light Sword Mastery 2DEX. Passive. DEX +2 when attacking with a light sword.
SparkINT. Ignites a point on an object.
TelekinesisINT. Manipulates an object in line of sight.
Twilight InsightINT. Racial. Passive. Can learn alicorn spells.
Unarmed Mastery 2STR. Passive. STR +2 when attacking with hooves.
Cutie MarkSPE. Passive. Adds +5 to all herbalism rolls.
EcholocationWIS. Racial. Sends a sonic signal to identify the area.
FlightDEX. Racial. Passive. Can use wings to fly.
Night VisionWIS. Racial. Passive. Can see better in the dark, but is more sensitive to light.
OracleWIS. Passive. Awakens Oracle powers.