Feature request

If there are features you would like to see added to or improved on this website, feel free to request or discuss them below.

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Steady Gaze:
Due to the way the comment form seems to work, if you accidentally close the tab and reopen it, it doesn't repopulate your half-finished comment. I think it would be a good feature to add the "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" prompt (window.onbeforeunload) if the user tries to close the tab while having an unsubmitted comment.

I noticed that if you change your profile pic, it's reflected in comments, but not in past commands. Not sure if that's intended behavior.

It would be cool if there was a link to navigate to a random update, so I can easily waste more time on the site 😛.

I think these feature requests only affect me, but it would be cool if there was a setting to be notified of all comments on all updates, and a greatly increased character limit for non-commands.
#396023 Jun 2024
RangelostQuest Master:► Steady Gaze (#3960)
A prompt has been added when attempting to leave a page with an unsubmitted comment.

Site-wide monitoring does not seem like a tool users should have, so as a compromise, a new Comments screen has been added to the bottom menu, which includes its own RSS feed.

The character limit for comments has been increased significantly.

I do not think adding a random button would work well for a continuous story. If you would like to waste time on this site, there are a few secrets to be found, along with exclusive side stories and artwork!
#397925 Jun 2024
Steady Gaze:► Rangelost (#3979)
Sweet!! I was wondering if you would take the position that character limits (like in tweets and such) force the writer to chunk their thoughts better, but it's nice for me to not have to spend so much time wordsmithing and leaving some things out. I don't really have an objection to a short character limit for actual commands, for example, because making them concise has some value and they have to fit in a textbox on the next update.

exclusive side stories and artwork
I might do some snooping when I have the chance, then… that sounds like a big reward 😮.
#398226 Jun 2024
RangelostQuest Master:► Steady Gaze (#3960)
I noticed that if you change your profile pic, it's reflected in comments, but not in past commands. Not sure if that's intended behavior.
This is intended for the sake backward compatibility with commands predating the current comment system. Either way, feedback noted!
#396123 Jun 2024
The Mortal Paper Fist:
Just a small suggestion: Maybe the current time and date could be shown somewhere on the actual pages instead of the Status Page? Especially since time is something we need to keep track off rather often.
#392327 May 2024
RangelostQuest Master:► The Mortal Paper Fist (#3923)
A summary of the status screen has been added to the bottom of the latest page, which includes the current date and time.
#397825 Jun 2024
The Mortal Paper Fist:► Rangelost (#3978)
Just saw it on the current page. Thank you. :)
#398125 Jun 2024
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