Player's rulebook

In this story, the reader (that's you!) has the power to choose what Trailblazer will attempt to do next. To participate, here's what you need to know:

Writing a command

A command describes the action you would like to perform as Trailblazer. This action:

  • Must be possible, and be performed by your own character. Asking another character to do something, or to help you do something, is also allowed.
  • Cannot attempt to manipulate the game. If you know something your character doesn't, then you still cannot use that knowledge.
  • Must be deemed appropriate. While all is fair in love and war, overly sexual and/or violent actions may not be taken seriously.

Finally, try to keep it short and simple! If your command is too long or complicated, it may not be fully played.

Posting a command

Once you have decided on your command:

  • Find the comment section below the latest post. A message just above the comments will display 'Roll the dice' if new commands are being accepted, usually from Monday morning to Friday night (UTC).
  • Start or join the discussion by posting your command directly in the discussion thread! If you reply to another comment, you will not get the option to post as a command.
  • If you are having doubts about your command, feel free to reply to your own comment with questions for the quest master.
  • You may edit your command until the end of the turn. Once the turn ends, if your command is picked, further edits may not carry over.

That's all! With that in mind, every command has a fair chance of getting picked, so don't hesitate to play along!

Commands allow you to make choices, and choices have consequences. To learn more about how the game works, read the quest master's rulebook.

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