You take a moment to review your preparations, and ask the crewmates if they believe it will be enough for the journey ahead.

Cloud Wayfind: "That's a tough question. If this were a camping trip to Foal Mountain, I would say that you are overprepared. But we don't know what you can expect out there in the Kirin Empire, so the best you can really do is be ready to improvise."

You nod. You are no stranger to braving the unknown; it is your special talent, after all. With that settled, you turn to ask your friends if they are ready to depart.

Moonflower: "Yuh uh!"

Honourshine: "... As ready as I'll ever be."

Cloud Wayfind: "Good. Sunshine can take you to the ship; I'll round up the rest of the crew and meet you there."

Sunshine Berry: "Aye, aye!"

At the end of a long wooden pier, your party climbs aboard the Sunbringer, a large magic-powered merchant ship with a metal-plated bow. Sunshine Berry offers you a visit of the lower deck, which includes a kitchen and dining room, a couple of wet rooms, and a few cabins — one of which is reserved for passengers.

Sunshine Berry: "... And these are your quarters. Make yourselves at home while we get ready to set sail."

You thank Sunshine Berry for the warm welcome, and after getting familiar with what will be your room for the next few days, you make your way back up to the upper deck just in time for the departure.

Cerulean Drift: "Anchor aweigh!"

Cloud Wayfind: "Set sail to full!"

Once the signal is given, three unicorns cast a spell onto the mast together. Soon, a massive rotating circle of cyan magic forms in the air above the ship, pushing it forward. Behind you, the heavy clanking of gears rumbles from beneath the helm as the captain steers the ship into the open sea.

And with that, your journey to the Kirin Empire begins. But your destination remains a few days away, and you will have to keep yourself busy until then.